

玫瑰:愛情,高貴,愛與美,容光煥發,純潔的愛,美麗的愛情,美好常在 玫瑰(紅):熱情,熱愛著你,求愛,我愛你,熱戀,希望與你泛起激情的愛 玫瑰(粉紅):初戀,求愛,銘記於心,喜歡你那燦爛的笑容、愛心與特別的關懷 玫瑰(淺粉紅):同情,仰慕 玫瑰(橙):羞怯,獻給你一份神秘的愛 玫瑰(橘):友情、感性、青春美麗 玫瑰(黃):珍重祝福,不貞、嫉妒、失戀、褪去的愛、道歉 玫瑰(綠):純真、希望、青春常駐 玫瑰(藍):惇厚,善良,寧靜,深遠 玫瑰(紫):永恆的愛、浪漫真情、珍貴獨特,憂鬱、夢幻、愛做夢 玫瑰(白):天真,純潔,尊敬,謙卑 玫瑰(黑):神秘高貴、溫柔真心,為你而誕生的惡魔 玫瑰(捧花):幸福之愛 玫瑰(香檳):我只鍾情你一個 玫瑰(花苞):美麗與青春 玫瑰(紅+白):共有 玫瑰(紅+黃):快樂 [编辑]玫瑰花語 1朵:你是他的唯一 2朵:世界上只有你和我 3朵:I LOVE YOU 4朵:誓言、承諾 5朵:無悔 6朵:順心如意、順利、永結同心、願你一切順利 7朵:喜相逢 8朵:貴彌補、歉意、彌補、深深歉意、請原諒我 9朵:長相守、堅定 10朵:十全十美 11朵:愛你一生一世 12朵:全部的愛比翼雙飛、圓滿組合、心心相印、每日思念對方 13朵:暗戀 失散 14朵:驕傲 15朵:守住你的人 16朵:一帆風順婚 17朵:伴你一生 18朵:青春美麗 19朵:愛的最高點 20朵:兩情相愛 21朵:最愛 22朵:雙雙對對、兩情相悅 24朵:思念、純潔的愛 30朵:請接受我的愛 33朵:三生三世 36朵:我的愛只留給你 40朵:誓死不渝的愛情 44朵:至死不渝、山盟海誓、恆古不變的愛 48朵:摯愛 50朵:無悔的愛 51朵:我心中只有你 57朵:吾愛吾妻、 56朵:吾愛、 66朵:順利、事事順利、情場順利、六六大順、細水長流我的愛永遠不變 77朵:喜相逢、求婚、情人相逢、相逢自是有緣 88朵:彌補歉意、用心彌補一切的錯 99朵:天長地久 100朵:白頭偕老 101朵:直到永遠的愛 108朵:求婚 111朵:一生一世只愛你一個 123朵:愛情自由、自由之戀 144朵:愛你生生世世、12×12愛你日日月月生生世世 365朵:天天愛你 999朵:無盡的愛天長地久,愛無止休、長相廝守、至死不渝 1000朵:忠誠的愛,至死不渝 1001朵:直到永遠


True story behind the legend of white crowd (love monster)

A lont time ago, there was an evil demon king who set fire to the entire world. At the moment, when he was going to burn down the last village... Suddenly a white crow flew across the sky... She defeated the Demon King... and saved the world.
(This is the story of the white crow)

But the true is...
The white crow's feathers can fulfill any of our wishes. All the monsters and humans who believed these world captured and hid the white crow... So that the white crow can fulfill their wishes... The white crow has a lover,everyone calls him the "Demon King" . His lover has be snatched away... the Demon King was furious and sad. He searched the depths of the world for the white crow... But after going through countless blood baths... The Demon King finally forgot his initially goal. He destroyed everything just for the sake of desruction. If this continues, the whole world will disapear... After seeing her lover become hysterical, the dismayed white crow... Took her last remaining feather and transformed it into a sword. All the rest of her feathers have been plucked by her capturers. She stabbed her lover, straight through his heart! After losing him, her body disappeared too...

It is really a sad legend...


Men are hard to please!

The PROBLEM with GUY : 

If u TREAT him nicely, he says you are in love with him;

If u DON'T, he says you are PROUD.

If u DRESS nicely, he say you are trying to LUCE him;

If u DON'T, he says you are from KAMPUNG.

If u are ARGUING with him, he says you are STUBBORN;

If u keep QUIENT, he says you are NO BRAINED.

If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE;

If he's SMARTER than u, he is GREAT.

If u don't LOVE him, he tries to possess you;

If u LOVE him, he will leave you.

If u don't make love with him, he says u don't LOVE him;

If u do !! He says you are CHEAP.

If u tell him your problem, he says you are TROUBLESOME;

If u don't, he says that you don't TRUST him.

If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him;

If he SCOLD u, it is because he CARES for you.


If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so.

If u SMOKE, you are BAD GIRL;


If u do WELL in the exam, he says it's LUCK;

If he does WELL, it's BRAIN.

If u HURT him, you are CRUEL;

If he HURTS u, you are too SENSITIVE.



When a girl...

When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind.

When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply.

When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how
long you will be around.

When a GIRL answers ' I'm fine ' after a few seconds ... she is not at all

When a GIRL stares at you she is wondering why you are lying.

When a GIRL lays on your chest .. she is wishing for you to be hers forever.

When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered.

When a GIRL says ' I love you ' .. she means it.

When a GIRL says ' I miss you ' .... no one in this world can miss you more than

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person ....

Find a guy .. who calls you beautiful instead of hot.

who calls you back when you hang up on him.

who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ... kisses
your forehead.

Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.

Who holds your hand in front of his friends.

Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he
is to have you.

Who turns to his friends and says, ' That's her!! '